1) Drink less, and drink better. Haven't solidified the rules on this one yet, but I have been noticing way too many 6-packs coming and going over the last couple of months. Although it is not wreaking havoc on my mass I am sure that it doesn't help in reducing it. Like anything excess isn't good. Studies have proven that beer and wine can be good for you, but in quantities more like a glass/beer a day.
2) Lose 20lb. Yes at current I am tipping the scales at 232-235lb. 230lb is my cutoff limit, so something should be done. This last year started well, but from spring until about now life has been too busy for regular exercise. Not really acceptable, but unfortunately the way it has been.
Okay, enough of that.
Started off the year with some house cleaning, purging of Christmas, and a short ride. I did a fast loop at the land trust. It was cold, but not freezing. I decided to try out the new leg warmers. They work well, but apparently Erin still thinks full riding spandex is quite humorous. She snapped a series of pictures while laughing as I was running out to catch the final daylight. Reppin for Cyclesport...
The ride was nice. I came down with a bit of something on Sunday and still wasn't 100% on Monday, so it was nice to get out for a good hammer today. I was a bit chilled and worried about the amount of time I had, so I rode hard. It felt nice. A bit of pain here and there, but since it ended up being only a 45min ride it felt more like a cleansing.
Hopefully all your new year's days were as productive.
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