...so weather is still being pretty shady around here. Doesn't look to be showing any signs of letting up before Sunday. Biggest breaks in the clouds and sprinkles seems to be a couple of hours. Enough time to kick myself for not being all geared up and ready, but not long enough to allow for any procrastination. That, and the only trails that I can ride wet are the Arsenal trails. The Arsenal trails are still overgrown and tick filled. I ended up plucking one of the buggers off me during my ride and another one about 6 hours later when lying on the couch after a shower. So needless to say I am not overly thrilled to ride there. But it's all I got when the weather turns to pot. The rock and clay composition there makes for some clogged tires by the time I get off the trail. It isn't wet or deep, more tacky so it just sticks to the tires and eventually accumulates.
New parts? Nah, nothing exciting this week. Waiting for some cheap bars to show, but apparently the seller had some delays. They are a set of Woodman "Wide and Wild" bars. They don't have much rise, but are a full 740mm wide. For $15 I figured I could play around with these to see what all this wide bar fuss is about. Going to be a bit tight on some of the trails.
Garage events? Finally busted loose the cabinets by the door. I have been wanting to do some reorganizing to make more room and use of the room at hand in the garage. Erin needed some cabinets for her classroom, so it is a done deal. I had to flush trim the sides, since they won't be in a location to use trim work to hide gaps. I just need to trim down the counter top, build a top for the 2nd cabinet, and a tunnel under the drawer. So stay tuned for a bit of carpentry this weekend and some garage reorganization next week.