Friday night Coleman and Amy came over and helped break in the screened patio. Time flew and before we knew it we were finally heading to bed at about 1am. 12 pack of coors light decimated. I am going to blame it on our guests :)
Saturday caught us all sleeping in. Shockingly Faith was the first to stir at the crack of 9:00am. I kicked Erin out of bed rather abruptly as she had plans at 10. I hung out with the kids, then we got bored. I decided to take them for a walk. So off to Kroger to grab some snacks for lunch. By the time we had made it to the North end of town Faith had crashed out. So I just kept driving. Ended up doing a beer run up to Fayetteville for some Hop-Wallop. On the way back to Wade Mountain to go for our walk Faith decided she really needed to pee. Great, so instead of a nice hike we did a beer run. Oh well. Off to the pool. Erin decided upon return home that she was hung over (ahha, she drank all of the beer). So it was just me and the kids at the pool. We did meet up with Amy and Adam.
We ended the day with a date night. Shockingly we ended up with some sitters for the evening, so we booked it out to Bridge Street for dinner and a bit of shopping. It was a nice evening.
Sunday the alarm rang at 6:20am. Dang, hate it when that happens. I did set it intentionally, but only half heartedly thought I would actually get up. After snoozing it for a few minutes I got up, grabbed my bike gear, and headed off to meet up with the Sunday morning 7am ride. No breakfast and no coffee. Just a sprint to get up to the biker's lot to meet Clay and Jim. Turned out Clay is still a bit laid up after head butting a tree just over a week ago, so it ended up being me and Jim. We started off realistic enough, but in the end we logged somewhere between 15-17mi and went top to bottom in the park.
Finally the park is fairly dry, so we decided to ride a couple of trails that have been holding water. After hitting these I got the novel idea that we should just turn down the mountian and ride Flatrock trail. Heck, the day was still young. We are only about 5mi in, so off we went.
I got a clear shot at the downed tree on Warpath. Of course they have cut a notch out of it the day before so clearing it isn't necessary any longer. I hopped it anyways. We took a few pictures at this point. Apparently I am not that easy to catch mid-air.
(look at me squashing my puny bike, using most of the travel just hopping over that log)
By the time we hit the normal Flat Rock connector trail, from Goat trail, I was already feeling pretty spent and starting to slow down. Out to the Flat Rock was slow going. I managed to make all of the stream crossings, but I was pushing a pretty slow gear the rest of the time. Either the heat was getting to me or I was still not recovered from Wednesdays ride. At any rate, hiked up the exit connector and ran out of water at the top. Fortunately we are pretty close to water at that point, so I keep at it up and out to the park office and the fountain.
No broken parts, no crashing, just a solid ride in the books. Ended up back at the car just shy of 4 hours. That meant the rest of the day for lounging around. That I did.
In the end we had this for a complete route:
(looks kinda like a dragon, or a slug)
*start* Biker's lot
N.Plat Loop
Observation Deck
Logan Pt.
Warpath Ridge
Flat Rock
Flat Rock connector
Logan Pt.
back up Sinks
*finish* Biker's lot

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