Well, fortunately some of the business should taper off after this week. Erin and I are officially home owners. We signed about 100 pages worth of documents. Other than having to sign over and over the closing procedure was quite painless and we actually walked out of the office with about $1600 coming to us. Net buy in cost to us for home ownership in Alabama, $252. I am honestly more excited about this than I expected. Our mortgage is all inclusive, so the insurance and taxes are tagged onto it. In the end it was on the higher end of what we wanted to pay, but you can't argue too much with the end result. Now we just have to wait 30 days for the previous owners to clear out before we get to move in.
Preparations for home ownership. We are trying to keep the surge of buying stuff to fill the house to a minimum. There will be quite a few projects for me to take care of right off the bat. That table saw will finally get to see some real use. I plan to build the dining table, a hutch, and a few smaller items like otomans, tv stands, accent tables. Should be a lot of fun.
I broke down yesterday and bought a new TV. This year has marked the end of an era for us. We are finally buying home audio and video equipment. Amazingly enough our 10yr old tv is still cranking as is my 17 year old mini-component stereo system. But in my quest to get a computer hooked up to the main tv in the house it was necessary to jump forward a decade or two in technology.
There you have it, a home theater PC. The small black case to the right of the tv is the computer. I put it together with a mix of new and old, but kept things pretty cheap for now. Eventually I would like to throw a 1TB drive in it and load a bunch of dvd's onto it, but that will have to wait a while. Wireless keyboard and mouse. Eventually it may be setup more like a TiVo with just a remote, but for now it is setup as a fully functional computer/dvd player.
The office. Yep, the TV looks a bit silly in here. Next month it goes into an entertainment center that is at our new house. Then it will be a bit farther away from the user. It definitely dwarfs the 22in monitor.
Not much else going on. Sorry, just work and some time at home. Hope everyone is well.
Oh, and for those who don't know we are no longer using the cell phones from CA. So send me an e-mail to get our home number.
We didn't want to be without cell phones, so we picked up pre-paid ones. They are nice phones and we no longer have a $100+/mo fee. The home phone will be our main line going forward though. So let me know if you don't have that number.
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