I pulled the counter top, broke them loose from the wall/floor (they were glued down), and flush trimmed them (cabinets are built with a lip around them to make matching them up easier I guess). At any rate, they are going to be out in the middle of Erin's classrooom, so they needed a bit of work to even things up. Then they sat for a while in wait for the time that they could be moved.
Well, this was the weekend for it. That meant it was a busy one for me. All of the little tasks Erin wanted all piled up in short order. Of course the garage was still in chaos from the whirlwind tree removal. So first order was to clean up some before I made a mess of it all over again. Then I moved onto my best effort to realize Erin's design. Most of the work is rougher, ala contractor style. But I did put some additional effort into the book shelf and hand rail. Pastor Brian referred to it as "custom". I think that was a compliment :)
At any rate, making counter tops and cabinets that have 3 sides designed to be hidden into free standing counters/stations was more work than anticipated. Here is the result of the room divider. Note, we still need to do some painting...
and a couple of shots of the book shelf...
The design is my copy of something in Pottery Barn that Erin liked. I beefed it up strong enough that should a 30lb monkey decide to climb it the shelf should hold up. I also made it 4ft, where the PB ones were only 3ft. That and the PB ones were $60ea.
I didn't take any pictures of the other cabinet. Not much to talk about there. I had to close off the bottom oposite the kick panel. Erin wasn't too worried about it, but I just had visions of all sorts of toys gathering under the cabinet. I was able to scrounge around the garage and come up with some scrap 1/8in ply for the job. I have been trying to come up with a cheap top for the cabinet. By seperating the cabinets the original counter top wouldn't be long enough. Scrap pile to the rescue again! As I was putting some garden tools back into the corner I set eyes upon the steel table that I had adopted when my previous employer had moved the factory. Hmmm, that's about 5ft long, steel, and laminated. I got Erin's blassing to use it as the counter top. It ended up working out very well.
Okay, that's it. Only omissions are beer drinking, watching TV, and a bit of eating. Hope you all had a good weekend.
cool pics
THANK YOU!!! I am so lucky to have such a helpful and talented hubby. I LOVE YOU!
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