Hey everyone. Weather has been great out here in AL. We are sitting in the high 80's-low 90's this week. After this weekends late nights and overworking in the garage I have really been trying to stay out of it this week. I am of course tinkering a bit here and there, but not really going to be getting into anything major. Erin needs some help getting the house in order as we do have guests coming in on Friday for a visit.
I actually got some riding in this week. So far I have commuted in 2 days. Not much for miles, but it is nice to be on a bike again after my over a month hiatus. I have noticed this before, but I will say it again. Road bikes do eventually grow on you. Not saying I could go the Ed route and forsake the mtb, but there is something cool about them in their own right. The miles pass by pretty quick. The steering is much more precise. The multiple grip position on the bars is very good for changing up during the ride. I am amused at how the rear of the bike skids and glides under heavy braking and cornering. Can't say that I have ever experienced the glide while skidding that a road bike gives. It is a little unnerving at first, but after a few trials and saddle time it can actually be a very handy tool for a quick change of direction.
I received my Freud dado blades the other day. Amazon had a promo with them that put all of their sets 25% off. So instead of buying the cheapest thing I could find I ended up purchasing a pretty nice set with a case to protect them. I will have to post up some comments once I get some time on them. They look nice is about all I can say.
Also in is my respirator. Since I don't have dust collection or air filtration Erin insisted that I pick up something to protect the lungs. I obviously didn't object. I took a couple of self portraits in the mirror. Indeed I look a bit silly with a respirator, goggles, and hearing protection (I will post up the pic when I upload it). Overall I am getting used to safety equipment. The ear plugs are nice to have. I had never really worried about it, but in the long run some of the high decibel machines can actually diminish the hearing. Goggles are a pain in the but here because they fog fairly easy. I picked up a set of Dewalt anti-fog that may help. I'll post back a review on them in a while.
Okay, a little bit of info that I stumbled on. Maybe you know this already. I knew the different 3M abrasive pads were different, but this little chart gives you the equivalent to sandpaper.
3M Scotch Brite Nylon Pads:
7445 - White pad, called Light Duty Cleansing - (1000) 1200-1500 grit
7448 - Light Grey, called Ultra Fine Hand - (600-800) 800 grit.
6448 - Green (?), called Light Duty Hand Pad - (600) 600 grit
7447 - Maroon pad, called General Purpose Hand - (320-400) 320 grit
6444 - Brown pad, called Extra Duty Hand - (280-320) 240 grit
7446 - Dark Grey pad, called Blending Pad (180-220) 150 grit
7440 - Tan pad, called Heavy Duty Hand Pad - (120-150) 60(?)
(The value inside the parentheses is directly from 3M and outside of the parentheses is what I have found with the pads.)
Okay, have a good hump day. Cheers.