Last night I built up the train table in the play room, secured and loaded the book case downstairs, and lugged a whole bunch of boxes around. End result, house is still a mess but I did manage to organize and clear out a bunch of boxes from the entryway and the garage. We have a lot more sorting to do to seperate the stuff we want/need/can-do-without but hopefully we will start to get to a happy working level in a couple more days.
Whine and ye shall receive...

Well, what can I say? I am spoiled sometimes (err most of the time). Erin read my last post about not having a couple of tools. She gave the go-ahead to get the router and jointer. Conditions are that I have to keep to about $500 and that I have to help more in the house with the unpacking (hence the previous paragraph of duties). I was a little surprised, but also very happy about her acceptance of proper woodworking tools into the garage. She doesn't take much interest in what I do out there, but realizes with all of the tables and cabinets to be built that the end results will be improved with the right tools. I gotta love her for trying to understand (or at the minimum put up with me).
So at any rate, back to the pictured tool. This is a stock photo of my new-to-me Delta 6in jointer. Original list for this sucker is about $700. Amazon has them for $415. Lowe's had a floor display model marked down to $313. It turned out to be missing the blades and hardware to secure them. I was able to get the tool for $200 (hey, that is actually within the budget) and the manager also let me use a $25 off coupon. After some scouring of the net I located all of the hardware for about $120 including shipping. So for about the price of a Harbor Freight model I managed to get a much nicer unit. I am liking having a Harbor Freight in town, but am leary about any tools that can break down as replacement parts aren't really an easy thing to come by for the cheap import tools. Delta is owned now by Black and Decker and parts/manuals are available online readily.
It is a heavy bugger. I managed to wrestle it out of the truck by myself. No way I could lift it up there on my own, but in this instance I just had to aid gravity to get it smoothly to the ground. Probably looked a bit humorous in the act, but I got the job done. I can inch it around the garage, but a mobile base will be required to make life easier.
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