The Ventana is torn down in the stand. I figure it should get a little TLC. I have been riding it rain or shine since I got it. For the last month the rear brake has been dragging a bit. I am sure both wheels could use a true. Also the chain was prime for a cleaning and relube. So I got a few hours to put in tonight I guess in order to ride this weekend. The saga of the modified triple is over. Stick a fork in it. On my Wednesday ride it was getting caught in my hand carved ramps. So back to the 22-36-bash for a bit longer. Black Spire should have a 38t ramped and pinned ring in a couple of months, then I can run a 24-38-bash and be happy.
The road bike could use some love too. I am actually amazed by it. Sure it doesn't have any bling components, but it just works. I have had it built up for about 2 years and have done little more than swap a seat post and change a couple of flats. Granted I would like to put a new groupo on it, but that has always taken a back seat to other projects. And she just keeps rolling. The 8 speed drivetrain is flawless. So I guess I can tear it down and give it a quick tune up. But otherwise lube her up and she is good to go for another couple years.

Kids are sick again. Preschool is like one giant petri dish. I guess it is good for building the kids immunities up, but sometimes it is just one thing after another. More doctor's visits all around. Whoopie!
What's going on this weekend??
- Trail Head Cyclery is doing demo rides at the demo 9-3 Saturday and Sunday.
Check their site for more details.
- Weather looks good, so I am likely to find some time to ride in there. Give me a call if you want to hook up for a spin.
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